Latino Christian
National Network
We Are A Community
The Latino Christian National Network (LCNN) is a vibrant community of Christian leaders dedicated to living out Christ’s call to be the “salt of the earth”—agents of renewal and transformation. Our diverse faith traditions deepen our collective understanding of God, as we nurture one another in spiritual growth and maturity. Guided by the principle that unity, not uniformity, honors Christ’s prayer for His followers, we foster relationships rooted in humility, respect, and love.
LCNN’s journey began in 2014 as the CCT Latino Network, founded by Rev. Carlos Malavé under the umbrella of Christian Churches Together in the USA. With a growing awareness of the influence of the Hispanic community, often navigating the space between progressive and conservative values, the network provided a platform for meaningful dialogue and collaborative action on pressing social issues impacting Latinos.
In 2021, amid the challenges and deepened relationships brought on by the pandemic, the Holy Spirit led us to take the next step: establishing LCNN as an independent organization. This evolution allows us to serve our community with greater purpose, advancing the spiritual and societal well-being of Latinos through faith and unity.

Our Values
At LCNN, we honor the history, identity, and experiences of others, especially those from different cultures, religions and traditions. We engage with genuine curiosity and humility, striving to understand perspectives different from our own. By placing ourselves in others' shoes, we foster open communication and pursue harmony. We believe that reconciliation and forgiveness are essential to healing differences and promoting restoration.
At LCNN, we are dedicated to harmonizing our voices and efforts to combat racism in all its forms and upholding the dignity of every person as a child of God. We confront power dynamics that affect our community and prioritize the voices of those who have been marginalized or impacted. Inclusivity invites us to build authentic relationships where all are genuinely valued.
Servant Leadership
We embrace servant leadership modeled after Jesus, grounded in humility and love for others. At LCNN, we accept our personal limitations and strive to work collectively toward promoting God’s Kingdom. We reject the pursuit of power or fame and instead focus on grace, trust and community. We understand that true Christian service is not a burden but a path to transformation, filled with the love of Jesus and His followers.
We value the diversity of ethnic backgrounds, thoughts and perspectives. LCNN believes our identity is strengthened by listening to a wide range of voices and traditions. Our commitment to ecumenical dialogue reflects this, as we honor the denominations from which we come. We welcome conversations with all people, especially those marginalized by society, and recognize that within this diversity, we find hope, wisdom and resilience.
Inclusion at LCNN goes beyond politeness—it calls us into deep, authentic relationships that celebrate everyone’s unique value. It challenges us to prioritize the needs of others in our mission, worship and spirituality. We see every individual as created in God’s image and seek to embrace them with the same love and compassion that God offers.
Biblical Justice
LCNN upholds the principles of biblical justice as taught by the prophets, Jesus, and the apostles. We believe in God's vision that every person is treated with dignity and has access to the resources necessary for a fulfilling life. Promoting justice and equity is an integral part of sharing the good news of salvation, and we are most effective when working together to unite our efforts and overcome divisions.
Rev. Carlos L Malave
Board Members
Agustin Quiles
Founder / President of Mission Talk
Rev. Ruben N Ortiz
Latino Field Ministries Coordinator, Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (CBF)
Rev. Lori Tapia
National Pastor for Hispanic Ministries. Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the US and Canada
Sandra Ovalle Martínez
Director of Campaigns and Mobilizing, Sojourners
Rev. Dr. Alexia Salvatierra
Academic Dean, Centro Latino, Fuller Theological Seminary
Ms. Ingrid Delgado
Catholic leader and activist specialized in government policies.