Letter President Biden Israel-Palestine
Dear President Biden,
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” Matthew 5:9
Jesus' words in the Sermon on the Mount establish the basic principles of Christian ethics. Furthermore, they express the desires of God's heart for humanity. A humanity that lives in despair because it cannot find the path to mutual coexistence and peace.
As a disciple of Jesus and president of the Latino Christian National Network, I express my outrage at the murders carried out by Hamas terrorists in Israel. I can’t even imagine the pain of the families affected by the killing of their loved ones and those kidnapped.
As followers of Jesus, we are accustomed to holding tension between two truths. As a Latino Christian leader, I denounce Hamas's horrific acts, which have led to unspeakable loss of life and hope. At the same time, I denounce the indiscriminate retaliation of Israel against the Palestinian people, both Christian and Muslim.About 50,000 Christians live in the Palestinian lands, 1% of the population.
Latinos understand and have lived the pain of terrorist acts on our lands and the displacement of communities from their homes and lands. We cannot see the suffering of Israeli and Palestinian families and not demand that our government take seriously the calls of the prophets, martyrs, and Jesus himself, who declared their categorical opposition to violence and war. Archbishop Oscar Romero, one of our prophets, said:
“Peace is not the product of terror or fear. Peace is not the silence of cemeteries. Peace is not the silent result of violent repression. Peace is the generous, tranquil contribution of all to the good of all.” “Peace is the product of justice and love.”
Future generations will look back at history and either judge us because of our lack of courage or celebrate our bold actions to promote peaceful resolutions to our conflicts. We are in solidarity with those who cry out for justice and peace.
Mr. President, in the name of Jesus of Nazareth, I ask that you use the power of your office to seek peace and prevent further deaths in Israel and Palestine. Our prayers are with you and with all peacemakers.